Saturday, June 18, 2011

Follower Appreciation Mega Awesome Giveaway!

In a few months, Evie from Bookish went from no followers to 700! Well, now, it's almost 850! To express her gratitude, she's doing a mega giveaway! Five winners ; Nine Books! It's international, if Book Depository ships to your country. Ends July 15th. The books that she is including is:
-Clarity by Kim Harrington
-Wither by Lauren DeStefano
-Unbecoming of Mara Dyer {I want this!}
-Zombies Don't Cry by Rusty Fisher
-Hourglass by Myra McEntire
-Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross
-The Gathering by Kelley Armstrongand lots and lots more!

I definitely recommend you try it out! Just click here. There's plenty of opportunities to get extra entries. :D


  1. Like your blog a lot. New Follower. I run two blogs. Livre De Amour & Darker Books of Love. I think it's amazing that she went from 0 followers to 850 followers.

  2. @Grace - Thanks! I'll definitely check them both of your blogs out. :D


I adore comments. They make my day and make me smile. :) So, please don't hesitate to comment. I try to reply back to each! If you want me to check out your blog as well, just leave your blog address. I would more than happy check it out.

Thanks for visting! ♥